It was fang-tastic sinking our teeth into the submissions for the Halloween Special! Rachel and I had a scream because these stories are spooktacular and totally eerie-sistible.

A monstrous congratulations to everyone who submitted. We found it terror-ibly tough deciding which story to pick, but here is the line-up for 31st October 2024:
Barney McKee reading Charles Bridge
Tanya Mc Ginn reading Mental
Kerry Clarke reading The Intent Behind A Spell
Mary Cunningham reading The Loft
Susan McGovern reading Mags’s Halloween
Laura McLoughlin reading The Mortician’s Daughter
Andrea Burns reading The Last Message
Pat McKenna reading Single Vehicle Collision
Wendy Sinnamon reading He.
Molly Mc Gill reading Mud-Puddling
These stories are all treats and no tricks, so come to our Halloween Special for a ghoulish night in the Abbey Lane Theatre, Abbey Lane, Armagh – no bones about it, it’s a hip joint.
Flash Fiction Armagh has teamed up with the fa-boo-lous Armagh Theatre Group, who are staging a wicked original short play by Malachi Kelly called Lost Family Links.
8 pm – dress code: Fancy dress: Ticket £10: BYOB
Don’t get spooked by the fact it’s fancy dress – go on – don’t leave us hanging. We’ll be in costume too! We’re just dying to see what everyone dresses up as, and seriously, October will fly past in no time, so if you’re dressing up as a ghost, you’ll need to get your sheet together. You know what they say – if you’ve got it, haunt it! Or you could come as a vampire – if it’s not a pain in the neck. You need to consider what’s at stake. Or come as a zombie – that’s a no-brainer!
Beware – these tickets will sell out fast, so dig up some friends and get your tickets here:
So get in the spirit of Halloween, and don’t forget it’s BYOB – bring your own Boos!
That’s FFA for ya – creepin’ it real!
Byddi Lee